For a woman, her dreams, aspirations, duties & responsibilities create many crossroads in life that are difficult to navigate. It would be same for a man. What complicates it for women, is the expectations set by cultural and societal norms, not only by other people, but also herself as these beliefs can it can be deeply ingrained. Money forms an invisible layer on all these. Most decisions would have some impact of money. Unfortunately, majority of the women are not yet a part of money conversation in the families. This could be due to various reasons ranging from ignorance to stereotyping to lack of financial literacy etc. This may prevent women from making decisions that they need to, or make decisions based on considerations other than her own. This book attempts to present some situations that women face and some ways that some women have handled those situations. The idea is not to sow discord, but to create inclusiveness of women in their own and their families money decisions, expanding the horizons of what is possible. If the women understand financial matters well, the entire family benefits. After all, the financial matters pertain not just to the men, but the whole family. Through this book, we are addressing the above needs of urban women. Having said that, it does not matter if the woman lives in urban India or rural; many areas covered in the book would be useful for all.